A Simple Mistake Or Covid-Denier? This Woman Just Dated A Form January 2020
January 18, 2022

When Rose Ball completed an application form for a library card on the 18th January 2022, she wrote the date as 18th of January 2020. Did Rose make a simple mistake? Or is she part of a growing number of people that deny the coronavirus exists?

The book-lover is adamant that it was a mistake. She told Babbler, “Please. It was a slip of the hand. I’m sure lots of people do the same this time of year.”

Jeremy Biler, President of the anti-covid advocacy group Together In Truth (TIT), believes there is more to it. “This looks like straight-up covid-denial to me. Us deniers believe that the last two years haven’t taken place yet. It’s all one massive conspiracy. The year is still January 2020. Rose filling in that form incorrectly looks like the classic work of a TIT.”

When pressed why she didn’t write the year as 2021, which would be a more believable mistake, the jazz enthusiast remained firm, “I guess time has felt weird the past few years.”

Rose’s error resulted in her library card application being rejected. Upon learning the news, she became visibly agitated, “Typical government!”

Babbler asked Rose directly: Did she write the year is 2020 because she is a covid-denier?

“Oh no. I believe the year is 1920. As for the coronavirus? I have no idea. I know for certain the Spanish Flu was a hoax. Us Spanish Flu deniers believe the past 100 years haven’t taken place yet.”

Juliet Veal
Editor In Chief

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