Report: First 30 Mins Of Workout Spent Detangling Headphones
January 28, 2022

The Australian Society for Sport (ASS) has released a report that found the majority of Australian’s spend the first thirty minutes of an exercise session detangling their headphones. Gym junkies with stiff or sausage fingers can spend up to 90 minutes on this pre-workout activity.

Further, this does not include additional time spent first finding the headphones. An estimated 20 minutes for those that keep them in a handbag or gym bag.

Thankfully this level of exertion is not wasted. Tania Banana from ASS said, “This pre-workout activity can burn up to 20 calories, making it ideal for a light warm-up. And this level of concentration and hand-eye coordination can be as effective as 7 seconds of meditation.”

The average Australian spends approximately 80 hours a year detangling their listening devices, the equivalent of two whole weeks of work.

Tania Banana adds, “Unfortunately, many people never get around to actually exercising, having spent their allocated workout time on this one task. That’s why we recommend Air Pods, the downside being that they make you look like a bit of a wanker.”

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Juliet Veal
Editor In Chief

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