First-Time Pregnant Woman Takes Over Teaching Of Birth Class
May 27, 2022
Babbler satirical news

Gianna Cirillo and husband Nick Blackwood are expecting their first child. Today, the couple attended a prenatal birth class at their private hospital in Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Within thirty minutes, Gianna was facilitating the class.

She told the class, “Now, Mammas, the best way to deal with the pain is to breathe through it and move around as much as possible. So, epidurals are a no-no.”

Despite never having given birth, Gianna was confident she could guide the group of expectant parents through this life-changing event. She has read three books on the topic and talked with friends that have done it.

An advocate for natural birth, Gianna was keen to empower the soon-to-be-mums that birth is the most natural thing in the world, “Women have been doing this for centuries. Your body knows what to do. And partners, you’re going to be working too! You’re on playlist-duty.”

Midwife and birth educator of thirty years, Wendy Abang, was not surprised by the interruption, “It happens all the time. It’s not ideal, but it gives me a chance to duck out and grab a cup of tea before I have to give them the full story.”



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Juliet Veal
Editor In Chief

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