Amelia Barotone, 33, is yet to test positive for the coronavirus. Nearly everyone she knows has contracted the virus, with some people getting it multiple times. Amelia suspects she might be immune.
“I’ve certainly been exposed. Over Easter, I spent 36 hours at Revs. But no, still haven’t got it.”
Amelia’s COVID-free status has become a source of pride and her go-to topic of conversation. At a catch-up with friend, Simone Lassdo, they speculated how Amelia has managed to avoid the virus.
Simone told Babbler, “Amelia thinks she’s better than me because she hasn’t got it. Like, I am some filthy sewer rat just cos a stranger breathed into my mouth on the train.”
On Sunday, almost 34,000 new COVID-19 cases were recorded across Australia.
Simone said, “Maybe Amelia is immune. The other night, I saw her eat a half-finished meal that she found in Macca’s and then she made out with our Uber driver.”
New research indicates that some people may be less susceptible to catching the virus due to their genetic make-up.
Amelia has jumped onto this theory. She told Babbler with a laugh, “I guess I just have superior genes.”
Less than 6 hours later, Amelia tested positive for coronavirus.
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