What parent isn’t worried about their kids’ health at school? These lunchbox snacks are not only nutritious but desirable enough that your kids can trade them for rapid assessment tests (RATs).
What you pack into your kids’ lunchbox has never been so important. As PCR tests can take nine days to be cancelled because the sample is no longer viable, RATs are the only way you can prevent your kid from coughing covid all over the playground.
Yet, with RATs in short supply, you need to arm your kids with a bottle of juice and homemade cacao balls so they can access their basic health rights.
It’s important that you also teach your kids to identify who in the school will be carrying RATs. Don’t let them waste time on the teachers or the vulnerable – they’ve got none – but rather target the children of the wealthy or politicians.
Top Tip: Some classmates may need more persuasion, so consider teaming up a squeezy yogurt with Pokemon cards or adding Ritalin to a granola bar.