Nadia Attali has had a testing day with her two children, Theo, 6, and Evie, 3. “As I drained the dinosaur pasta and watched Theo put his sister in a headlock, all I could think about was 7pm; when I could put them to bed.” Once the children were finally in bed, the...
Family Life
“Now, Who Does He Look Like?” Says Aunt Questioning Baby’s Paternity
New mum, Katherine De Silva, 35, has introduced her four-month-old son to her aunt Debbie. Debbie believes that baby Sonny does not look like Katherine’s husband David, and now suspects she has been lied to about the baby’s paternity. The retired teacher does not plan...
My Kids Have No Idea My Morning Breath Smells Like Arse
There’s nothing like your little ones jumping into bed with you in the morning. At my house, every morning starts with my adorable children running into my room and climbing under the covers. We cuddle up, their hot little bodies pressed against mine. There’s tickling...
Get School Ready: Your Kids Can Trade These Lunchbox Snacks For RATs!
What parent isn’t worried about their kids’ health at school? These lunchbox snacks are not only nutritious but desirable enough that your kids can trade them for rapid assessment tests (RATs). What you pack into your kids’ lunchbox has never been so important. As PCR...
Report: Mums Spend 80% Of Holidays Packing And Unpacking Car
The Health, Exercise and Lifestyle Program (HELP) has released a report that shows Australian mothers spend the majority of their summer holidays packing and unpacking the car. They commonly pack equipment, clothing and essential items for a range of activities such...
Mum Two Weeks Into Holiday Wonders When The Holiday Will Start
“It’s got to be soon,” says Penelope Brum, “I just have to get through New Years, my father-in-law’s birthday and a weekend away with friends. Then I’ll hopefully relax.” The mother-of-three has not stopped since taking annual leave from her job two weeks ago. Her...
Rogue Blowfly Christmas Morning Risks Bringing Down The Whole Goddam Day!
FLY! FLY! FLY! Stress levels are high at the Russo household. It’s 11am and lunch preparations are in full swing. The delicious aroma’s coming from the kitchen have attracted a rogue blowfly that looks set to ruin Christmas. “Who left the door open? Fly!” yells...
Great Aunt’s Carrot Jelly Remains Untouched For Sixtieth Year Running
Record! Today marks the 60th year of Aunt Margaret’s carrot jelly making an appearance at Christmas lunch and the 60th year that no one has eaten it. Margaret clipped the recipe for ‘Sunshine Salad’ from the Women’s Weekly in 1961 and it’s been her signature dish ever...
No Patience For Dad’s Shit Today
Deborah and Brian Johnson are hosting Christmas, and Brian has been warned – he’s to be on his best behaviour. The couple’s adult children and Deb’s side of the family are due to arrive in an hour. Deb has spent the whole week cleaning the house, cooking and arranging...
“Where Do You Want These?” Asks Cousin Who Now Thinks They’ve Done Their Bit
The extended Oliver family have just finished Christmas lunch. Host, Nadine, 52, has single-handedly put on the event and is in the kitchen surrounded by dishes. Nadine’s second-cousin Carla, 26, has made a half-hearted attempt to clear the table and now plans to drop...
New Mum Furious When Cashier Fails To Acknowledge Baby’s Cuteness
“I know all mothers think their baby is adorable and most of them are delusional, but that’s not the case here,” said outraged mumpreneur Tash Waverly. Tash was gobsmacked when the cashier at her local Woolies only glanced at baby Eli and made no remark regarding his...
4-Year-Old Talks Up Daring Feat Then Slides Down On Tummy
“Check this out, Nan!” said 4-year-old Madeline Trotter from the top of the big slide. The adrenaline-fuelled Trotter then proceeded to pull off a daring feat, which one witness described as, “Sliding down on her tummy.” The result was underwhelming. Trotter’s Nan...