Celeb Skin Care Routine Somehow Forgets To Mention Botox
April 04, 2022
Babbler satirical news

“I followed their recommendations and my face still looks like an old saddle.”

Women’s magazine, ‘Giiiiirl Boss’ asked six famous Australian women about their skin care routines. The celebs shared tips, tricks and products to obtain their ‘achievable’ looks. All had one thing in common. They forgot to mention the key to their baby-bum skin: Botox.

Mumtrepreneur Erin Love’s ‘simple’ routine included 29 products, all available from her new skincare line.

One reader methodically followed the advice in the article. She spent over $20,000 and maintained a two-hour-a-day regime to apply various creams, serums and oils. She told Babbler, “As far as I can tell, it’s just layering different expensive stuff on your face. I mean, can a product really work if there are nine others slathered below it?”

Reality TV star Tracy Bilpy put her flawless look down to a must-have unicorn horn eye cream that retails for USD 900 and has a waitlist of Hollywood’s elite.

Another reader said, “I bought all of the recommended products – even the carrot, rosemary and potato ‘night restore’ oil – and all I got was an oil-slick on my pillow and a head that smelt like a roast dinner.”

Readers have now resorted to getting Botox and lying about it.


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Juliet Veal
Editor In Chief

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