Single Mum Looking To Date Bandit Heeler Type
November 18, 2021

18 November 2021

Shelley Satchwell, 42, is desperate to find that special someone. “Trust me,” the single mother from Brisbane said with a laugh, “There’s not much out there. If I could find someone like Bandit, I’d be rapt.”

Since her divorce two years ago, Shelley joined several online dating sites. Despite going on many dates, she is yet to find her ideal partner.

“He has to be great with kids, have a sense of humour, and of course, it’d be nice if he is good looking! Bandit ticks all the boxes, although for obvious reasons that can’t work. He’s married.”

The mother-of-three is hoping to find a nice guy who is happy to spend time together as a family. “I’ve had my share of duds; my ex was a real dog.”

While she has never met Bandit Heeler, Shelley is certain that he is just the type she is looking for, “I know it’s hard to tell with people on the telly, but he seems great.”

She is quick to clarify, “I’m not looking to date Bandit per se, just someone like him. I’m not the type that would cut Chilli’s lunch, but if they split up… Honestly? Sure, I’d go for it – Wait, have you heard something?”

Juliet Veal
Editor In Chief

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